Almost Paradise
Our bouquet of red roses with a chocolate box and a teddy bear is perfect for any occasion! Our beautiful flowers are sure to please everyone in your life.
This combo gift includes:
- One dozen of red roses in the vase and lovely white fillers
- Ferrero Rocher chocolate Box (16pcs - 200gr)
- A cute Lovely Teddy Bear
Diclaimer: Vietnamsflorist reserves the right to substitute the colour of the teddy with same and equal value and size without prior notice to client to process speedy delivery due to the item being out of stock or unavailable while highest quality still being maintained.
*** Ferrero Rocher might not be available out side Hochiminh City, Vietnamsflorist reserves the right to substitute with alternative chocolate box with the same value and subject to availability for outside Hochiminh city deliveries.